Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Born: 23 November 1992, Nashville, USA
20 years
Dated: Thomas Sturges, Nicholas Jonas, Lucas Til, Justin Gaston, Liam Hemsworth
assertion to fame: Miley Cyrus is an American actress and vocalist who has the lead part in TV-show Hannah Montana on Disney Channel. She is the female child of homeland vocalist Billy-Ray Cyrus and has five siblings, three of which are half-siblings. She loves chinese nourishment, High School melodious and her three canines. Miley Cyrus is best associates with her back-up person who dances Mandy Jiroux and simultaneously they have a Youtube channel where they upload new videos from time to time (The Miley and Mandy Show). She has also starred in the movie The Last recital

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